Mentor Feedback Form

    Apprentice Bricklayer Feedback Form

    1. Work Quality

    • How well does the apprentice carry out bricklaying tasks?*

    • Comments:

    2. Work Speed & Efficiency

    • Does the apprentice complete tasks within the expected time frame?*

    • Comments:

    3. Attention to Detail

    • How carefully does the apprentice follow instructions and pay attention to detail (e.g., alignment, mortar mix, brick cutting)?*

    • Comments:

    4. Safety Awareness

    • How well does the apprentice adhere to safety practices on site (e.g., wearing PPE, handling tools safely, working at heights)?*

    • Comments:

    5. Tool and Equipment Use

    • How proficient is the apprentice with using tools and equipment related to bricklaying (e.g., trowels, levels, mixers)?*

    • Comments:

    6. Communication Skills

    • How effective is the apprentice in communicating with others on site (e.g., asking questions, receiving instructions)?*

    • Comments:

    7. Timekeeping & Attendance

    • Does the apprentice arrive on time and maintain consistent attendance?*

    • Comments:

    8. Overall Performance

    • Overall, how would you rate the apprentice’s performance so far?*

    • Comments:

    9. Strengths

    • What are the apprentice's key strengths in their bricklaying work?*

    • Comments:

    10. Areas for Improvement

    • What areas should the apprentice focus on improving?

    • Comments:

    11. Additional Comments

    • Additional Comments:

    Mentor's Signature:

    This page is to help with QA reports, each lift should be checked, images of the completed lifts posted to the Whats App Group.

    The tabs above reveal a QA form for each lift (The last one is for training and education), Once you are happy the lift is completed to a good standard fill out the relevant form click the send button once complete. A copy of the form will let us know that you are happy with the lift and that payment can be paid.

    We will raise an external QA form of the lift and forward this to the Site Agent stating the lift has been completed to a satisfactory standard.